This blog is dedicated to St James (King James III. of Scotland) and St Margaret of Denmark, his wife. They were dedicated to the peaceful path of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, which is the way of truth and of using all of one's spiritual gifts to manifest the heavenly kingdom on earth. Sadly, as always, their path was actively killed off in that incarnation, too. Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Sounds from Tuesday morning by Mother Sigrid Eliora Anat on SoundCloud - Listen to music
And separate us from all evil. Amen
by Mother Sigrid Eliora Anat on SoundCloud - Listen to music
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also St Merlin enough of being treated rough and cheated and maltreated, and so, they get with the truth on all evildoers tough, and neither anymoer by any shore and snakes their insults and lies and organised crime and heresy takes, as they know exactly, who holiness and piety and decency and 'empathy' (never mind compassion) fakes! by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also St Merlin enough of being
treated rough and cheated and maltreated, and so, they get with the
truth on all evildoers tough, and neither anymoer by any shore and
snakes their insults and lies and organised crime and heresy takes, as
they know exactly, who holiness and piety and decency and 'empathy'
(never mind compassion) fakes!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 6m
St Patrick&St Chad enough had of being treated rough&cheated by
every shore of the babylonian whore for the truth&maltreated&get now
together with the truth evermore tough.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m
St Patrick,whose soul is also Aharon&Jesus Christ's son
Jacob,was always subjected by every shore,except for one, to any foul
for the truth, and that confirms also Oved with Boaz and Ruth, and
they all had enough of being treated rough and for their full truth
cheated and get now with the facts of most unholy acts and by
demanding back books and artefacts from the piratery mercenary legions
in all Vatican and Anglican regions that were stolen and killed for by
heretical and criminal crooks.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 10m
St Patrick&St Chad,the eternal souls of Son&Father,who always
had to fight all the snakes' fouls&the beasts&neither of them anymore
takes but lets them hiss and slither in vain, as once too often the
evildoers have a character and reputation slain and put even on a holy
child a false stain, and did order or partake in a murder plot that
only did in the last second miss, and Cain also does not want from any
demoness yet another Judas kiss, and lets the real murderer of Abel to
his evil deed confess and clear up himself his mess, and that does
finally also the wrong shores in their sandcastles shake and them to
lying and spying heretics and criminals rightfully and long overdue in
the Vatican and Anglican shore makes.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 12m
St Patrick knows,who in truth&true love their face to God
shows,as he himself in it glows,when Jesus Christ on his son of old
peace bestows, and both can also play convincingly to their every
hammering enemy the most reflecting anvil scarecrow, and with every
breath each every secret society's cover blows and suddenly even a
formerly goatee bearded officer no longer a fake Merlin's beard grows.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15m
St Patrick knew,who is a gate keeper of hell&even did live&tell
the facts of most unholy acts in a shell&threw back at every snake her
every spell until they understood that they would no longer get any
food delivered, when they complain about the living church bell and
when it turns out that they at a holy mother and child did shout false
allegations and insults and sang against them evil incantations, and
acted as messengers and couriers and mailboxes for organised
criminality under the disguise of heresy from and in all nations,and
suddenly their own head and tail has to find the right answer in the
dock before Jesus Christ's flock, when the Judge takes stock and sends
also to the last snake a summons in the mail, as all previous attempts
to get to a voluntary confession did fail.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 19m
St Patrick no longer takes any threats from any snakes&instead
their tail&head& sandcastles shakes&lets their every curse fail&bounce
back their mail.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Abbey of the Holy Rose
Orders of the Holy Rose and the Holy Violet:
Friday, 16 January 2015
R.I.P. Violet Westcott
R.I.P. Violet Westcott
In prayer
St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
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St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Akathistos to the One Good God, By Mother Sigrid Eliora
Date: Thursday, 8 January 2015
Subject: {Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)} Akathistos to the One Good God, By Mother Sigrid Eliora
Shared from the SoundCloud iOS app. Get it for free here:
St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
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St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
Friday, 12 December 2014
And priests, who have been threatened by ritual knives with their lives,should they dare to speak out against the crimes of the church will no longer hold back and care their true story to share also as witnesses and sue themselves their former church hierarchy for a whole host against them committed organised criminality!/And suddenly a priory no longer holds the trump card of Josef Ratzinger's stolen identity of an actually dead British doctor, who died in WWII, with which he travelled unchallengedly secretly back and forth to slaughter innocent children internationally even in secret facilities and cathedrals and churches from the lurches, including St Chad, and I for my part enough of this murderous gamble and of its every single threatening preamble had, I don't with the likes of such priories nor with their recruits mingle! By Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Date: Thursday, 11 December 2014
Subject: [Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose] And suddenly a priory no longer holds the trump card of Josef Ratzinger's stolen identity of an actually dead British doctor, who died in WWII, with which he travelled unchallengedly secretly back and forth to slaughter innocent children internationally even in secret facilities and cathedrals and churches from the lurches, including St Chad, and I for my part enough of this murderous gamble and of its every single threatening preamble had, I don't with the likes of such priories nor with their recruits mingle! By Mother Sigrid Eliora
Posted By Blogger to Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose on 12/11/2014 12:55:00 am
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Holyrood agreement!/Satanistic rape and slaughter even on an artist's and journalist's etc. own daughter?!/Conspiracy to organised criminality?!/Hiding a princess, who faked death?!: Meet the churchwardens of a bishopry with sulphur and hell on their breath!Don't bother to say sorry half-heartedly now and to put on a fake-decency neighbourhood show, ifyou are a hissing snake or gaping verbally abusing and murderous crocodile foul moul or other beast or dragon as a churchwarden or secret society church or political or economical or social and other research official subscribing to a notorious secret society with organised criminality, as you have been found out and God is personally via a judge about to shout! And He knows, when with whom where against whom you did not just smother!!! By Mother Sigrid Eliora
Holyrood agreement?!/Satanistic rape and slaughter even on an artist's and journalist's etc. own daughter?!/Conspiracy to organised criminality?!/Hiding a princess, who faked death?!: Meet the churchwardens of a bishopry with sulphur and hell on their breath!Don't bother to say sorry half-heartedly now and to put on a fake-decency neighbourhood show, ifyou are a hissing snake or gaping verbally abusing and murderous crocodile foul moul or other beast or dragon as a churchwarden or secret society church or political or economical or social and other research official subscribing to a notorious secret society with organised criminality, as you have been found out and God is personally via a judge about to shout! And He knows, when with whom where against whom you did not just smother!!! Even your doctor does now retire, as his licence to kill did suddenly expire, as he had not even diplomatic immunity nor impunity and will have to take up his responsibility for his part of the organised criminality and organ and child trafficking in this community.
P.S.S.: Don't bother to say sorry half-heartedly now and to put on a fake-decency neighbourhood show, ifyou are a hissing snake or gaping verbally abusing and murderous crocodile foul moul or other beast or dragon as a churchwarden or secret society church or political or economical or social and other research official subscribing to a notorious secret society with organised criminality, as you have been found out and God is personally via a judge about to shout! And He knows, when with whom where against whom you did not just smother!!!
P.S.S.: A parish council board that needs a legal advisor after years of notoriety knows only too well that their own created hell has arrived back at their church hall's doorstep also legally. And a parish council board that instructs a whole congregation to fall silent upon the 'surprise' visit of a victim and stays silent not just for the deadly moments of mumble sale hell but also for years that has also conspired collectively to hack into their victims accounts, spy on them with fancy spy equipment, about which they even boast, and they slander and plot each also individually and involve even their own family in three generations in conspiracy to organised criminality with the the help and on command of a local priory that acts independently as mercenary for secret societies of inner circle Vatican and Anglican church hierarchy. At the moment they fall silent and stay silent at evil and when they turn blind eyes and pretend deaf ears even with a Spec savers hearing aid,and when the local community police officer even lies unblushingly about a vicar's alleged violation of confession rules and to a holy woman under abuse of his powers threats with smokescreens enforced implies, and the churchwardens feed the neighbours and they each other in return also with lies about the vicar and slander a holy woman's and mother's reputation viciously and maliciously sabotage collectively their every single free community project, at the latest, then you know that they are all in it together and even boast and toast each other occasionally separately and eventually, and finally their evil catches up with them, when one of their own from the other the access keys to houses and church again snatches and suddenly one stolen silver candlestick with one that went also missing from the church, on their own dining room table matches, where sits together yet another secret society under a cone, who had made the theft of those antique candlesticks a condition for the latest neighbourhood recruit's initiation. Almost the whole community is in on the organised criminality, as an ongoing relict of the Krey brothers' society, and a priory took over their churches and continued with the structure of their predecessors and also charged fees as risk assessors.
Don't bother to say sorry half-heartedly now and to put on a fake-decency neighbourhood show, if you are a hissing snake or gaping verbally abusing and murderous crocodile foul moul or other beast or dragon as a churchwarden or secret society church hierarchy or political or economical or social and other research official subscribing to a notorious secret society with organised criminality, as you have been found out and God is personally via a judge about to shout! And He knows, when with whom where against whom you did not just smother!!! By Mother Sigrid Eliora
Don't bother to say sorry half-heartedly now and to put on a fake-decency neighbourhood show, ifyou are a hissing snake or gaping verbally abusing and murderous crocodile foul moul or other beast or dragon as a churchwarden, neighbour turned purposefully stranger or secret society church or political or economical or social and other research official subscribing to a notorious secret society with organised criminality, as you have been found out and God is personally via a judge about to shout!
Once the beasts have hissed their threats or opened their gaping verbally foul CJD mouth towards to kill its prey one way or another, no fake decency or half-hearted apology will do anymore in any shore, as once too often plotted with their inner circles and secret societies every shore and obvious is every churchwarden and official, who served mammon's corrupt beast and the murderous babyonian fake dames and knights as a mercenary and whore. So, too late for any reconciliating debate, and most serious is of all affairs the state in every single rotten see, as their victims are to testify to the MI5 simply free and lawyers even forfeit for their cause their fee.
Posted: 20 Aug 2014 04:35 AM PDT PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: Wilfrid lied to Bede and on St Chad and St Aethelt...: Wilfrid lied to Bede and on St Chad and St Aethelthryth and their family spied and his pseudo-nuns were also under Rasputin spies with guns, and a bishopry that commits organised criminality under diplomatic immunity not just with fascist Huns, by Mother Sigrid ElioraWilfrid lied to Bede and on St Chad and St Aethelthryth and their family spied and his pseudo-nuns were also under Rasputin spies with guns, and a bishopry that commits organised criminality under diplomatic immunity not just with fascist Huns, by Mother Sigrid Eliora Wilfred also lied to Bede about pretty much everything about Chad and Etheldreda and their family, and is it any wonder, he regardless accepted from all money and property and bribery and had going with Hilda with secret backing from Rome also early church hierarchy organised criminality that continues to this very day, as Wilfrid and Hilda with their heretical notoriety only ever did pretend to walk on Jesus Christ's way but all along in every incarnation in every nation they did Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their eternal family of holy souls betray, only this time back at them come even historically and contemporary their own stones and fouls and every crime that they already back then committed under a secret society cone. And cheese from France only does the flavour of quite a wrong saviour of a devil's dance in a sulphur stinking trance in a St Magnus crypt retrospect enhance. - And a dark Lord's presented as St Saviour's priory says to the churchwardens of St Chad and St Magnus and other such evil places: 'You should have never invited the truth into your house, now we can't even lie anymore to any mouse of any shore and despite our roles as nuns they know we are secretly each a grredy babylonian whore and weedy Hun and aim at the truth and Jesus Christ with a gun, and they also know that we accepted bribery and property from a codename Chaim and that we financed with it the local al qaeda link in the post office, all the while the postmaster led us to believe that he would for us via India's fascist Modi connection also to Tibetan warfaring and intelligence some old treasures and curses and death spells retrieve but turns out he is an even more double faced agent than us and even poison in the butter churns, that nutter. Utter chaos it is now in our world of organised Kray brother criminality in the East End!It is all your fault, churchwardens and hidden fake Elders, you did all take and nothing ever really from our heresy make and now Jesus Christ does even our foundation also from Wilfrid and Hilda shake, as each true family member of the real holy family did with their memory awake and has told us into our face that we are all fake.We wished we had from the start admitted that we wanted the empire back of the snake! As now we have also the whole international intelligence community on our back and our every mercenary, whom we did porkypies for kosher and halal and vegan and raw and cannibalistic in a snake manner with poison bake. And suddenly falls into our back even our longest serving parish member spy and screeching mandrake, who never for anything the heat nor the responsibility of her own created hell take but now we are going rather to the MI5 our crimes tell, as we even were refused our free delivery of oil by Shell! And too many of our victims and involuntary allies turned amateur spies did survive our attacks and did live the truth to tell and we can no longer not even in our jumble sale and bazaar any stolen goods for a quick buck sell and our demoness and highest ranking snake also from all her ladders in one bottomless pit push into her eternally condemned abbyss fell, and we are tired of every single new applicant of the CIA or BND or Mossad or MI5 or MI6 for abbess, as they had to clear up for too long also our mess but, sadly, revoked was every bishop's diplomatic immunity and impunity also for our community. -- -- -- AKATHISTOS for IESOUS CHRISTOS! YAHWE! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM! --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at -- |
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Posted By Blogger to Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore on 9/01/2014 11:55:00 am
Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
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