Monday, 6 February 2012

Franz-Josef von Habsburg & Julius Andrassy say: Why did you God and Jesus Christ & His family betray?

Franz-Josef von Habsburg & Julius Andrassy say:
Why did you God and Jesus Christ & His family betray?

With no respect but accountability, Kaiser Wilhelm, your many man-made titles
come nonetheless now belated also with their due responsibility, as from heaven
united also on earth you have to stand trial before God's Judgment throne
for all sorts of charges, including trying to poison us from your toxic phial and
to push us out of a carriage and to have us shot and stabbed and our families,
and slandered beyond recognition, and stained with your own sins and with your
own holiness' abolition - not to speak that you are a multiple faced religious
traitor and false tractator, who so much would have loved to be forever over the world
its only dictator.

For that you went to any length to play all against everybody, had your spies
spread internationally lies even and especially through your corrupt cardinals
of all branches of Christianity but also Rabbis and Imams and all sects of any Anti-Christ
you paid to smear us to this very day with just any diffamation through fraudulent
Ludwig letters and fake declaration vulgarity, as you paid with Judas blood money
even scribes for their calligraphy to copy our signatures, including Ludwig's and Rudolf's
under papers they never even saw, when they refused their names under your
murderous greedy and seedy plans to draw.

To this very day your war crimes and crimes against humanity have their deep
effects on their victims and now you will have to face them and hear
all their proven charges being read out to you aloud in a never ending black cloud
and then you can disappear & remain for eternity in your own devil's den without
any privilege and without any comfort and without any kind of love and affection
not even for money a disection of our bodyparts - for you and yours a whole  new
era without redemption but of doing penance involuntarily and publicly now starts
in a way that will show that you did everybody with anybody betray, and for
your anabaptistic dirty filthy lame games you go back anyway after that time
of punishment into the clay.

You went the longest time from the holy truth and reality of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdala,
His wife and Jacob and Zara-Zarai, their children, astray, and you have the longest time
had bullied and murdered all our friends out of your way.
And we do not take it lightly that you tried it on again and sent us to our doorstep and into
our houses your every single paid con and sniper and stabber and thief - you are a hell of
a rotten family chief.

No wonder, your own house stinks of urine and faeces and of death, as you
even tried to replace Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala's wedding wreath
by your own breed in our every to God dedicated house, who pretended to play
a humble church mouse but too quickly apparent they became each as a spiritual
headlouse with their heresy and open blasphemy and mocking poetry of a wedding
theme. You are now also in the faithful flock's subconsciousness stream and they will
respond to your crimes with a shock and will quickly take in every house you ever
entered also of your deeds stock, and then they will shut you out and God cuts you
herewith anyway off from any family as you have gone too far and you are in your
biggest trouble ever - Du hast selbst zuhause ZOFF!

You are good at German, in fact you should know even the old German saga
of the idiot, who thought he can copycat even the true books of Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdala and Philip by your spooks and crooks! Yeah right, you are out of a job,
dear Wilhelm, as you got the number wrong with your fake apostles, they never were
twelve, but it was just God, Jesus and Mary Magdala on the last night in Gethsemane,
and God was Philip amongst other incarnations amongst the various generations of the true
holy family and your breed came from the demons with their bitter sourfaced lemons and
were only getting away with their evil deeds and false creeds until the contract with the devil ran out
and even Lucifer has now given in despair to God a shout, when you sent him an attack again
of gout and wished upon him the loss of hair to prove that you are his boss. As if - you see,
not even your own give about you anymore a toss, and even the babylonian whore has offered
Sisi (Elisabeth for you!) a bribe in this incarnation of blue gems and a silken dress as an offering
to make up that she messed up to right wrong for the Holy Eucharistic Cup in the Church of England,
as she betrayed already back then the Oxford movement and Anne Donne not only in St Clement Eastcheap,
and back at the Danes, and she starts to see that it was wrong to own shares in slavery of sugar canes.
And she admits that she initially tried to lure her into her fold with bribery, then with threats and even left herself
on Mary Magdala's doorstep once an empty note with a curse and planted spies in her neigbhourhood from her
own special purse with Sisi's money that she thanks to you accessed in Switzerland, as you had
found in her house in Greece her private ownership documents and cashed it all in, you greedy
bastard, that is added as yet another sin.

As you did not use it to feed the poor and needy as Sisi with her family wanted to do,
if they had to go into exile and finally could have been free of you foe and step humbly and anonymously
into their old Jesus Christ shoe. Wherever you step or limp, Wilhelm, you have left the biggest woe purposefully,
and let's not forget the innocent children of Nicholas in Russia, whose death you have on your conscience, too,
with your hatred and greed and heretical weed and delusion of mind intrusion and obsession with power
from Prussia! You have even paid God's enemies in Magyarorsszag and in Prague and were not even
with your bribery in Heiligenkreuz vague but boasted about it in London, where you spread all sorts
of wrong gospel bullshit.

We are amongst men now, so, we can use a slightly different tone towards you, Wilhelm, and we rip now
off your head your every single secret society cone and heaven is ready to throw symbolically back at you your
every single stone, and that will take a while because you did not go for anybody but in fury even at Drury the extra-mile, and over is now also your grace and favour from Rome and Dover. Game over, Wilhelm,
go to your own mind's hell, whilst we to the world your demise not even tell but leave silent even
for your a desecrated church bell at your funeral, as where you go, there is no sound, no light, no breath,
and there is not even a ground but just a bottomless pit, and where you have built your house there was not a single truth to be found but just a barking mad old Scottish widower's bloodhound. You poisoned even your wife, when you were tired of her in your life. But that you forgot to tell to your child, whom you also made a member of your secret society with a ritual knife.

 Pictures are awakening
tone by tone
Images come into mind
they are growing together
in the music that is free
of any cone and does not at innocent
holy souls throw a stone
and rising from the ashes
is God with,in and through Jesus Christ
leaving finally behind
all that heretical mist

St Francis-Joseph with St Julius
with greetings from
St Rudolf and St Ludwig,
and little Innocent St Sophie
and St Elisabeth (2x) of Magyarorszag
und sie freut sich schon auf ihren
diesjaehrigen Geburtstentag


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Eliora, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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