Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Apple

The apple

The apple of His eye

The apple of His eye is the bomb
as somebody with a sour face of a bitter lemon knows the secret of Mary Magdala,
whose remains are to be translated and to be united with Jesus in His tomb together
 with their children Jacob and Zara-Zarai, the issue of her womb, and freed of all
slanderous and murderous stains.

Friedrich Barbarossa held the apple of His eye in His hands, and two bishops also have consecutively kept safe His eternal wedding bands.

But as in every incarnation there were those,
who tried to copy and mock and claim for themselves
the kingship of Jesus Christ secretly, and blasphemed
God's beloved Holy Rose, and they only ever pretended
to have love and piety in an overdose.

'Mirror, mirror on the wall' the traitors scryed and
contemplated in sulphur silence evildoing as they the holy truth to their Lord and King and God denied, and taught to their sisters and brothers spiritual heretical pestilence instead of serving God by living the holy truth to Jesus' complete holy family, and abused their entrusted gifts and stirred up in self-serving poetry and chant against Christ's truth secretly abusing without blushing even many a monastery for their blasphemy, hypocrisy and torture and killing of the original members of Jesus' holy family.

The bomb is ticking as the apple is in the hands of Jesus Christ, Barbarossa wide awake, and it is Him, who will now also finally charge in the unseen and the seen world take.

And all ye nuns and monks, fathers and mothers superior, if you are of sound mind, then you have nothing to worry, and are saved from your own mind's hell grind as the truth will now unfold by itself and the evildoers and traitors be revealed by their own deed as they just cannot stop the living holy family's creed that from God's hands is made from clay and that only ever does mustard seed free of greed and loving-kindness breed.

By all means, continue your prayer as a holiness strayer as you try to make the Lion of Judah look like the devil, even in the Torah but by doing so you point in your monastic diurnal prayer that you are the one doing evil
as Jesus Christ is only ever light and His is the all-encompassing power and God's might. And I pray from now on only evermore for His flock but with your verses that accuse Him, ommitted, as you even stole their holy stock.

As it is becoming ever so  obvious, who is and who is in the tribes of Israel a mole, who has sold their soul to the devil, and by the way, the one, who sang in your order her own praises as wisdom and as Sophia or Shechinah is not the one, who is the chosen one for this by God, as that is never revealed by the soul itself, as that is only ever done by the one, who praises God unceasingly and Him never betrays or from Jesus' path strays and certainly not one, who demands property or money for her spiritual gifts - that is simply called blackmail and blasphemy.

So, whosoever is still persuing the path of greed and weed in the Name of Jesus will be the last and not at all the first, as you wanted it all, the power and the glory in this world by oppressing Jesus Christ' s complete holy family story.
You are not even credible anymore in a children's book for Balamory.

I suggest you get sober as your lame game is now over, from Rome to Dover, and also in many a former and present Archbishopry that does not release the true story of Jesus Christ and His complete Holy family. No true family member of Jesus will ever pose in vanity or claim fame for themselves or money nor property - that is the way of the Anti-Christ, and Jesus never ever encouraged to take what is not yours with a weapon or with a fist.
His path is full of love and peace and gives free choice to do the right thing and even on earth to grow an angel's wing, and no true follower of Christ has ever the desire like a hornit holy bees to kill and sting.

And to God's praise we now in silence pray and with all of heaven to His glory we sing and with all our gifts we carry on and heal all the evildoers' man-made rifts and nail the demons to His cross, as they must learn that it takes to lay one's life down for one's friends in the name of God and Jesus, and then God chooses the appropriate cloth and gown and then one's desire shifts and one does constantly for a life in holiness for all of mankind yearn.

As Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and for that we have to lead joyfully and with our hearts and souls obediently and in utmost humility to God in either voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony or in a God-given community but in anyway free of sin as we are all next of kin, and we inherited this earth as our all purgatory but Jesus knows the way alone back home to the Father with His holy family, including Mary Magdala,His eternal one and only wife, who shares her man only as the priest in the Holy Eucharistic Feast and as the teacher and preacher in her holy community and together in holy matrimony they are espoused to His church like any other sister or brother. But He also has to prove like any other that He keeps His house in order in His own family, who is praying that they are worthy of the promises of Christ to finally be safe from the attacks and demise from the Anti-Christ. AMEN

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 12th July MMX

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora, 

A Catholic order in the Angl.-Catholic tradition 
in affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski

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