Thursday, 27 September 2012

Cill Trinoid Naofa/Holy Trinity (SSRC): Living Eschiatology: Time to face up to the last f...

Cill Trinoid Naofa/Holy Trinity (SSRC): Living Eschiatology: Time to face up to the last f...

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Living Eschiatology: Time to face up to the last four things as our reality

Living Eschiatology: Time to face up to the last four things as our reality

by Mother Sigrid Agocsi, Holy Rose Abbey

The early Celtic church of Naomh Ceadda / St Chad was based on the consciousness about the last four things: death, judgment, heaven and hell, and, in fact, his whole life and that of his family of true friends, most of whom were also his disciples, near and far, was based on the awareness to see every event in life as a sign of God to humble ourselves.

For example, St Chad's monastic regime is one of prayer, collective study with monks carrying out exegesis trhough dialectic but also through applying humility to physical labour. He mostly walked everywhere, donating his horse even to somebody in need of one. He spent most of his bishopries walking through towns, villages, the countrysides, visiting cottages and houses to teach the Gospel and to pray with the people.

The Gospel reading such an important part of the daily regime, St Chad would at once interrupt his reading, whenever a gale came and he called on God to have pity on humanity.
If the storm intensified, he would shut his book altogether and prostrate himself in prayer. During a prolonged storm he would pray and sing psalms until it calmed.

St Chad explained to his  monks that storms are sent by God to remind man of the day of Judgement and to humble their pride. The Celtic Christian Church of St Chad was interwoven with God's Creation and providence and messages for us in all events that we need to learn to read also in nature's disasters and gifts alike, particularly with the view to the last things.

Lately, we had a whole host of natural and man-made disasters affecting nature and whole peoples, and we must not ignore God's call for us in them to prepare to take up our responsibility and share all our gifts with those, God sends our way, for free; and to sit down and talk about peace but also, at the same time, stand up to war- and whoremongers, who doublefaced say one thing in political arenas, and sell weapons before and afterwards and intensify rifts.

Interestingly, around and after the synod of Whitby in St Chad's time, almost all church leaders died from the plague - and it seems that all these centuries later we are being sent yet another deadly disease like Sars to England, and many natural and man-made moral disasters but yet ignore to read the signs that the time has come to return to the values and law of Jesus Christ that is so simple that it has been defied in practice by too many learned men, who have,  or so it seems, already since the Whitby synod passed on nothing but man-made rules and pompous customs instead of bringing man to holiness in all things. Instead of walking and talking among mankind, like Jesus Christ did, and teach the truth in their houses and wherever they are, the church of the likes of Wilfrid, who returned interestingly to Britain to claim back the bishopry of St Chad in 666, which I would take as a bad omen, if I were superstitious, which I am - thanks be to God - not.

God is showing us, how corrupt and murky all waters of the earth have become, not only spiritually, also literally that even the whales end up dead, and wrong bones under desecrated stones are suddenly found in some dales, and a majority of believers have been deceived with all the wrong tales in a heretical poisonous wine and bread.

It is time to pick up the pieces and start anew, where St Chad left his disciples and his church but newly consecrated will have to be every single pew and pulpit, as unspeakable is the filth and grime and crime that has been committed by numerous a culprit, who spread even in St Chad's time purposefully the plague via a mouse in the Lastingham house unblushingly, as there was, is but no longer will be amongst the disciples an evildoer as infiltrator, who acts on behalf of all united enemies of the spiritual church of Jesus Christ in order to prevent many God-fearing families from hearing the holy truth, who would declare immediately Lent for everybody, who does his heresy and immorality and organised criminality, often under diplomatic immunity and impunity, not repent.

St Chad did the right thing and that we are called today, too, as it is Jesus Christ's way:
We must lead a holy life accordingly to God's truth, as the Holy Spirit presents it to us.
St Chad is again in the position that this time there would be no three bishops available, due to a spiritual heretical plague to consecrate him as a bishop because they sold out their own soul along with the poisonous heretical hyssop. And God will break every unholy staff, accordingly to  St Aethelthryth's dream, of every heretical riff-raff. Some popes, cardinals, archbishops and bishops might fool themselves, that they have a place in the bookshelves even posthumously but God will teach the crowds personally that they have been sadly fallen for their own hereditary heresy, and that the holy souls' families were only ever occasionally to be found amongst worldly aristocracy, as most have betrayed the concept of a God serving monarchy and became instead bloodthirsty and greedy and seedy, and subscribed to slavery and piratery instead of the truth in the bread and wine, and even forced holy priests into the rituals of the boar and swine.

You only have to look, who sells, what they should have shared for free in teachings, for money their book and who hides in the liturgy pagan spells and whosoever holds a mass under exclusion of the public for the consecration of the bells is anyway a Anti-Christ crook and mostly also a spook, who throws at the vulnerable his degrading arrogant hook, so that God once again in silent agony His head shook at this hypocrisy of a man-made democracy, where a few elites make clear up the mess after their unholy rites behind closed cathedral doors and on desecrated church floors.


No wonder, when God suddenly His true power of Jesus Christ the one and only and original Mustard Seed Sower and beloved Holy Flower of every colour and shape and size in holiness and full might ignites and the home truth to the Elites and Levites from the right and true scriptures of St Chad recites.

Mother Sigrid Agocsi,
Abbey of the Holy Rose
from the imaginary little St Chad's house in Lichfield

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