Saturday 17 December 2011

Lex Domine Iesu Christi: Jesus Christ's Law

Jesus Christ's law is simple:
Evil snake's hiss, Judas' kiss -
give it a miss!

Pray, repent, and obey God and follow Jesus Christ on His path free of wrath but
of justice and truth and true love and in humility and lead a life in honesty and
abhor sin; then you will live in true happiness without sin against your next of kin
everafter blissfully - in either voluntary blissful creative celibacy or in holy matrimony
that is as equally exciting and both are only ever smiles inviting and comfort giving
for eternity in the Name of the Holy Trinity!

With love also from Moses!

God bless you!

God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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