Sunday, 18 December 2011

Look alone to the Cross and throw away the secret society cone

Look alone to the Cross
and throw away the secret society cone

Isn't it interesting and at the same time extremely confusing
that one woman gets declared blessed and soon to be
honoured as a doctor of the church, whilst others for
using her very own methods of trying in all sorts of frequencies
for somebody's disease to be intutively healing without on their
sisters and brothers to be spying,
are being declared mad and insane and were
burnt at the stake and tortured beyond recognition and
simply murdered in the name of that same church
with the help of all her secret societies from the lurch -

and why?! Because they found out in visions
that that woman's own secret army was actually inciting
against the holy truth crusades and encouraged the inquisitions in order
to Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala the simple reality
of their holy  matrimony to be denying and
about the fact was lying that their infant twins Jacob and Zara-Zarai,
had been murdered fresh from Mary-Magdala's womb on command
of their own paternal grandmother on the way to the cross

and when the soul of that woman then called also Mary
but to Mary Magdala she was, is and always will be
in every aspect totally contrary, had failed to
already back then
to curse Mary Magdala's womb before her wedding night
in Canaan into a tomb, she made up all sorts of lies
and spread them through her secret societies' spies
and stole from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and Philip
their very own scrolls by her every mole, whom she had
planted around them, in order to later have them simply
declared plem-plem,

as Mother Mary wanted the cake all to herself
and replaced by messing with the real book of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala and with Philip's records and also
with the recordings of John the Baptist previously
and took, what she thought would fit the bill with the Judas
apostles' succession and subjected in every incarnation
with her gifts and the help of the devil the true holy family
of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, Jacob and Zara-Zarai
and their few friends and disciples always and again
to her evil and to the kill,

and she sent out every time and recruited even almost
their every neighbour to spy on their window sill
and put them through gaslighting through her created
hell's mill.

But now the souls of true and formerly misguided but
repentant and now true saints want to see justice through
the truth alone and they spill the beans by means
of exposing all secret society cones of pseudo-
nuns and priestly drones, as they have had enough
to even posthumously being treated by the church
still rough and so, after God ended the contract
with the devil He gets now on the real evildoers
and liars and unholy nuns and friars, who tried
to kill the faithful ones and declared saints
instead of them the liars with their secret society
cones and threw from the sanctuary and the pew
against all, who wouldn't stay silent on the truth
symbolically and also physically many a red
brick stone with on their heads an Egyptian cone.

Did it never occurr to all the learned friends
of theology that Mother Mary fled to Egypt
because she was in heart's desire an Egyptian
pharaoness and goddess and high priestess
and she had no intention through Jesus Christ's
own family merely as a grandmother peacefully
and most lovingly into a normal family's hierarchy
to retire.

No, she wanted it all, and so did her priestesses
but as they were all unholy babylonian whores,
they all wanted their own female unholy water shores
and abused all their gifts to make against the holy truth
through the Judas apostles and every single Anti-Christ
their fake mountain shifts and invented also many a
pagan fable and abused even the poetry of Mary Magdala
via an internet cable to make her look like a spiritual crook
and like a whore - we have been once too often here before
as now God and Jesus Christ turn with the Holy Spirit
the table, and that is free of heresy and free of blasphemy
and free of hypocrisy but full of truth and justice and peace.

As Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth and THE life,
and He and all, who live in His truth will never be killed
in their souls by a stupid cone nor through some Judas apostle's
secret society ritual knife - and now comes like thunder
down from heaven God's almighty holy truth's blunder,
as all of heaven with all the saints that have been in hiding
and in Him and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala through their
hearts' Holy Spirit connection to them their innermost torment
confiding, joins now God's true family and makes even
pay through the holy truth emerging their sins all liars and unholy nuns and friars
and especially those, who abused a church with their pyramid's hierarchy
for Mother Mary's filthy and rotten and criminal phantasy that she backed
up with fraudulent documents of heresy against her own Son, whom she
resented because He was given to her as a chance in holiness to enhance
without intercourse but was by God begotten.

But as we can see she still to the last moment sends the world to war
and is involved in whore- and warmongery and child abuse and widespread
criminality in her secret networks even in numerous a monastery, from where
truly holy sisters and brothers and fathers and mothers had from the
evildoers in their own ranks to flee into anonymity and were replaced
by a filthy stinking rotten see with pranks, who played their clone and
who wore even openly behind closed walls their secret society cones.

And how convenient to have a vow of silence to cover up all spiritual
and criminal pestilence and an unspeakable filthy decadence!!!
No wonder, that until the devil's contract ended, nobody in their sound
mind such evil comprehended but now the truth is emerging and
fleeing into the open assisted even by many a Pall Mall, as no true
leader with a living heart and sound mind would any longer keep
up on lies by spies of silence a wall or even allow to be abused
for this lame game in their position of power -

and they know that God and Jesus Christ are now in charge
and no longer let go unnoticedly and unpunishedly any unrepented crime,
filth and grime that has been committed purposefully to discredit the holy truth
and to silence and kill off Jesus Christ's true family, which includes all their
friends, who have been always under life's threat by secret societies in any
given notorieties and varieties.

Now the table has been turned, and the butter will now longer be stolen
from the poor and needy but with a holy spirit in obedience to God and in
true humility by  prisoners of God's high court
in their life time for free churned. And all gifts are being taken away from
those, who tried to instill fear in all, who believed and lived in the holy truth
of the family of Jesus Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose,
and stayed faithful to their dreams and visions that gave them confirmation
of also their soul's and role's recognition -

all woe goes now back to every foe, who stepped with their devil's hoof
even on the most holy toe under a desecrated church's roof and who tried to poison and stab and
slander every single holy soul, who fulfilled against all the odds their holy role.

And the truth now simply comes out, as God in His rage together
with Jesus Christ from Mary Magdala's kitchen hearth unlike tweetie from his birdcage
the facts does shout.

As once too often have the likes of an unholy woman abused the spiritual
gifts  of God in order to make a mockery of the true church and simple faith of Jesus Christ
and His holy family and their holy simple truth, and the facts are that being messed and
tempered with have all books rewritten by spiritual crooks from the beginning of time
and filled instead with their filth and grime already against the most holy couple Adam and Eve,
who were without sin but who were betrayed by the devil and the snake only because Adam and Eve shared
with even them for free and helped them selflessly as they loved every soul of every next of kin but
actually, the devil and the snake were only trash that God had discarded and simply kept for his
laboratory in order to see, what man would do, had the devil with the snake the chance in holiness
to enhance, and, sadly, we all know that as long as that contract did last, that treacherous
combination sent into their self-made hell every single nation and stirred up rifts with their
black magic gifts and let even once holy mountains into the bottom of the murkiest see drift,
and needless to say, they stayed concerning God and Jesus Christ and holy matrimony and the most
loving family creedless and did instead with drugs and weed mess

and tried to recreate God's creation's string, but the secret ingredient is true love's
angel's wing, and in order to receive  all heavenly riches one never asks for them
and hands over every heavenly crown back to God and to Jesus Christ, in order
to let them at the right moment and the right place decide, where as holy souls
they can best from their enemies hide, whilst some repentant souls are being
put on their loyalty to the test, even and especially amongst worldly royalty,
and from now on they better give their very best, as God does not send out
anymore bloody begging letter but speaks out the holy truth Himself and puts
wrong right without any unholy fight in every single monastery bookshelf

Repent your every potentital sin and do not dance with the devil and the evil
snake as your next of kin, and do not pretend that you do Jesus Christ a  helping
hand lend, if you do not give all honour  and the truthful story  to God's glory
as a story teller in a tent, as it is for the last time Lent this Advent and your last
time all your sins before God and Jesus Christ to repent, as after Christmas
you will be otherwise into your own hell's mind back sent, where you meet up
with all not only in your dream, at whom you did scream as a sadisistic carneval clown
and put them into your grind over telling the truth about Eve's and Mary Magdala's
eternal wedding gown in every incarnation, and if you are also an Elder,
who betrayed already the holy trinity at the time of Ruth with your welder,
and did not do your all to help others from the heavenly ladder to fall,
then you are simply thrown out of the book of life courtesy of your own
ritual knife that will simply cut your page out of the real book of books
and that is the original only, if free of spiritual crooks like yourself -
and I guess that you are even a liability by then even for your every single
devil's den and as Satan's elf.

As you have betrayed every single one as you alone want to rule
the world and promised all to all but have not kept your empty promises
as you are only consisting of trash that is a decomposition of your
golden bullshit and lies and enough of you have even your former spies,
who won't any longer sell your porkie pies in your pig show, as even
in every Pall Mall they can see you flying with your broomstick
out of every church hall because you are no longer in a position the holy truth
to deny and I would never ever eat again not even an egg that you fry
as you poison even every spice but God and Jesus Christ always warn
me or tell me afterwards, when they saved me from your attack
that it was your nutmegg !!!

And you were only ever out to kill especially with many an unholy pill
and I would only ever look the cross of Jesus Christ, if I were you,
from now on, for advice and for spiritual guidance alone, as otherwise
you will be subjected to your own curses even by your devilish doctors
and nurses, whom you cut off for your own gain from the public purses,
because you are greedy and seedy and whilst you are pretending now
to be pious in this moment, God urged me to bring out the truth
behind your back speedy as repentance and love for the truth you
eternally lack, and you did the longest time unpunishedly into our
accounts hack, and beware, you forgot that the Son of God begot
has shown you once your own haystack and the holy Spirit takes
it now personally that you commit even against him blasphemy and
mockery and still kill holy souls and that you fill with pranks the hierarchy
ranks and with your moles  - so, the Holy Trinity makes the free publishing
of the holy truth now their top priority and if you do not repent publicly,
then you are simply out of the book of books and denied an entry
even by your own former but now repentant crooks as they love to eat
all, what Mary Magdala for them freely cooks, and some of them were
also your spooks!!!

Everybody, who still subjects us to the kill, only we speak out,
will simply not anymore succeed with their false creed,
as Jesus Christ spreads freely without any fuss His Mustard seed
and rips out through the truth all lies by spies and leaves to rot
to themselves the weed, as only the holy truth in true love and in purity
lived is the living bread, and no crystal nor artificially played frequency
will not heal but destroy man's happiness, if it is sold by bullshitters
and mad and sad life-hitters - all of God's gifts only work perfectly,
if surrendered to Jesus Christ, who guides us for free intuitively and
sets us free from any Anti-Christ's slavery.

So, a truly holy and wise woman never would accept the title
of a doctor of the church nor would she have blackmailed and
threatened holy men and women with her letters and she would certainly
have  humbly declined the opportunity to preach, as a humble woman
does serve God in either blessed celibacy or holy matrimony and obeys
her eternal spouse, who worships even in heaven her body alone -
as all else is a lie made up by some spie with a secret society cone.
And in heaven, as it should also be on earth, one should treat every holy soul
with respect and even the worst but repentant sinner with dignity, and it takes
a whole holy community to raise children as angels on earth, and it takes
all generations together to make complete a holy kitchen hearth.

Women have their place amongst the human race as sisters, daughters
and mothers of grace, and should not try to replace any man in his God-given place
as God rules over our purpose and gifts, and
lets us thrive in His plan and everything else is but a recipe for eternal disgrace.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother Sigrid (Ziggy ) Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 18th December MMXI

Mother Sigrid Agocsi
Mother Superior
Order of the Holy Rose (OHR)
KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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